Some of my best gear improvement ideas have come to me on restless rainy days.
The Trangia alcohol stove is hard to beat as a favorite backpacking stove. The Trangia is one of my favorites too, with one minor drawback, no pot stand. There are many nice pot stands made for the Trangia. I've never seen a pot stand I really liked, and made do without one, until now. Restless times call for rainy desperate do-it-yourself gear improvements. Here are my two DIY pot stands for the Trangia.
Using a left-over section from a tent pole project, (see the Wawhiker YouTube video "REI Tent Poles for the Warbonnet SuperFly Tarp"), I made three 5 1/2 inch aluminum ground stakes. The stakes are stuck into the ground equally around the Trangia stove.
Three cross members 3 1/2 inches long were cut from a stainless steel rod. Each end of the rods were bent at 90 degrees. These cross members form a triangle when placed into top of the ground stakes. The triangle should be 1 1/4 inches high from the jets of the Trangia alcohol stove.
A wind screen is needed for this setup. I found ground stake stability was an issue.
The second pot stand for the Trangia alcohol stove is the one I really like. But all of the credit for the construction of it has to go to Four Dog Stoves. It's based on their titanium wind screen for a Snow Peak 700 cook pot. I've had the wind screen for almost a year, (see the Wawhiker YouTube video "Zpacks Blast Slim Cuben Hybrid Backpack Gear Carry for a Hammock Overnight" for the wind screen first use), and thought of modding it for a pot stand for quite a while.
Using the Four Dog Stoves titanium wood screen as a pot stand meant I would have to drill holes through the titanium wall. I was always hesitant because I had heard titanium was very difficult to cut. After some research online, I discovered using a high speed drill and a good quality bit would make drilling holes through this titanium wind screen an easy task - and it was.
Once this rain lets up we will show you both pot stands on Wawhiker's YouTube Channel during our next backpacking adventure.
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